Welcome to the website of the European Cooperative Group on Corrosion Monitoring of Nuclear Materials – ECG-COMON!

The general objective of the European Cooperative Group on Corrosion Monitoring of Nuclear Materials (hereinafter called “the Group”) is to coordinate the European efforts on corrosion monitoring of nuclear materials in typical light water reactor (LWR) service, nuclear waste disposal, and other industrial environments in order to develop the fundamental understanding. More information about the Group can be found below and here.


Particular attention is focused on the following material systems and corrosion phenomena:


  • LWR structural materials (stainless steels, Ni-base alloys, C & low-alloy steels used in, e.g., pressure vessels, piping & reactor internals),
  • waste container materials for nuclear waste disposal,
  • LWR fuel/cladding materials,
  • steel reinforced concrete structures,
  • materials used for new reactor concepts (supercrit. water, LLB, HTR, etc.).

Corrosion phenomena

  • Environmentally-assisted cracking (stress corrosion cracking, corrosion fatigue, etc.),
  • other localised corrosion (pitting, crevice and intergranular corrosion),
  • general and flow-accelerated corrosion.


The special emphasis is placed to the detection and monitoring of localised corrosion by electrochemical noise or other innovative methods, such as acoustic emission (AE), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), direct and alternate current potential drop methods (DCPD, ACPD) or other sophisticated tools.


Apart from providing an annual forum for the timely interchange of information, ideas and test data on the above subjects, the Group plans and coordinates cooperative research and Round-Robin programmes, develops recommended test guidelines, advises on the interpretation of results in order to obtain reliable corrosion monitoring tools and corrosion data and encourages transfer of this information by organising symposia/workshops, interacting with groups (e.g., Working Party 4 (Nuclear Corrosion) of the EFC or ICG-EAC) and committees, etc.

PSD calculation programme

A free electrochemical noise PSD calculation programme can be found here.

The support from PSI for setting up and running this website is gratefully acknowledged!

We are also thankful for the financial support from one of our long-term members for setting up this website!

Cormet manufactures material and corrosion testing instruments for the lab and field environment. We are specialised in high-temperature, high-pressure applications. www.cormettestingsystems.com